Tuesday 27 March 2012

If ever by some mistake I lose the war of the lone wolf....

So im doing some research for work, and I have found myself looking through wedding dresses and thinking that well if ever I meet a man thats focused, more fearless and patient enough to marry me these would be my choices given that I stay slim and continue my fight to not gain weight. Mind you I'm not annerexic or anything and I am not fighting to stay slim or am I...

Number 1 choice... love this one

Absolutely amazing

Second place...
Yeah its different, its cool. ofcos i would make the shorts a dress.

and last but certainly no least, Love the layerd colours, maybe a red instead of a black, or a yellow, or turquoise.

I don't know why but I seem to think I will never marry, maybe its a protective mechanism I created so I wouldn't expect to do so, so I don't spend my life looking for love or waiting for it to come my way, so I could find comfort in the company of my own self...but yeah well I'll probably never look at these again, unless its for someone else like a friend or a sister.... but maybe, just maybe if ever.... these will be my choices.

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