Sunday 17 June 2012

1am Posts

Before I even begin I have to quote something I just read " In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken away from you" while this quote says this; when I saw the quote the first time my brain read it as " In your soul you are infinitely beautiful, nothing can be taken away from you" does that even make sense? why did my brain decide to do that? How did my brain take words that are written and arranged a certain way and re-read them as something else, HOW??? Im sitting here trying to read the English book (Copywriting) and my pages are blank, there are no words, no chapters, no page numbers, nothing. So now what do I do? The reason I'm even reading this book is because my spelling sucks, en-route to my thinking of good ideas is very very dusty and gravel and needs major fine tuning, I just want to get better at my Job. Now I'm sitting here teaching myself how to write, how to think and how to look at the world with a different eye. It's not going well I must say, It's very frustrating. Just Skyped with the Kid, sure does know how to make me smile.

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