Saturday, 3 February 2024

Color in Qatar

If anyone still reads this blog it’s been 10years. How am I still logged on? I don’t know. Is anyone there on the other side? I hope not. But oh how different life has been since I last came here. 

Basically I need a link, check out my Pinterest! 

Travelled to Qatar, amazing place. Think of Dubai, but smaller, more intimate, great people, great culture, tasteful blog, happy expats & heavenly food. In the night, skyscrapers shimmer, Doha come alive, the locals enjoy cool evenings at cafes & fancy restaurants. Everywhere you look, the night sparkles in the cool winter air, that feels more like a summer night. In the day if you dare to brave the sunshine, beauty is all around. Art is everywhere, the buildings are adorned in color, whole districts are dedicated to just color & art.

The coffee here is sweeter, the food is scrumptious & the people are friendly. But let’s go shopping at & you will be lost in the lost glamorous shopping experiences, the most organized souk experience where the authentic food fills you up but you want to stay & eat into the midnight so you don’t leave anything behind. Since I returned I only dream of that chicken meal that I ate at the souk. It is the best authentic meal experience I have ever had to date. 

And the hotel, how can I forget the gold shimmery Fairmont Hotel. But more on that in the next blog. 

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