Wednesday 15 February 2012

The nature of our lives goes like this: live fast and die young. We no longer know how to wait, what to wait for and when to wait. We want everything right now and want to reach our goals and dreams in minutes. Maybe thats the beauty of our lives, that we live so fast we don't want to stop and soak in the scenery for fear of getting lost and lose our feul to keep going for something great. I don't have time to sit around and wait, time waits for no man, before you know it, its gone and the question is where?? losing momentum is not an option. When troubles come, we handle them in that moment and before we can soak in the pain of those troubles, they are gone, not giving us time to feel that pain, but allowing us to move on to the stage of feeling the joy of having them pass. Thats the way to live now but hearts remain broken, we lose ourselves and sink into dark holes of our heads we can never get out of, because as fast as troubles come and go is as hard as they hit and effect us leaving us in despare we cannot escape. I don't know what im on about in this blog but theres been alot of noise at work over who said what, and whose treating someone like crap and lack of respect for each other and ummm peace. All anybody ever needs is peace. I do not know why it is so hard to fathom and so hard to attain but restless souls are never happy.

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