Wednesday 6 April 2011

I love my yum yum****

yeah so still at sun city, really the weather is just making this place very boring.
like the reason one is here is to have fun right.
anyways I'm still doing gym even though its a waste with all the junk i eat
I have found this dish of noodles for breakfast. oh my word it is just really beautiful,
I really love it, the taste.

yes ladies and gentlemen this is my everyday breakfast while i am sunnying it up in this city :)***  So figures why my waistline aint a happy chappy. hahahahaha. oooh i have to attend Sarah's 21st which is this saturday if i am not mistaken, its going to be like a mini reunion. hehehee. anyways there are some videos of this vacation ive been trying to post but nje its not working it takes hours and it just does not work. I do not know what to do.

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